Some tips on fumed silica provided in this post, along with advice on where/how to purchase fumed silica. Freight is a large part of the price Fumed silica is very light. Take containers as an example, one 20’GP load only 1,800KG fumed silica, while it loads 25,000KG PAC. Assume the freight to the destination is…
Notification on Price Adjustment 20170817
Henan Xunyu Chemical Co. Ltd. made a decision of adjusting its product price. The government policy on environmental protection causes the raw material price increase, and force the price increase of the Xunyuchem’s product. Below is the full notification:
Annoucement: adjusting fumed silica price higher
Adjust price of fumed silica We decide to adjust our price higher due to follow: Bad situation of poly-silicon causes the sharp shortage of SiCl4 — the raw material of fumed silica. The cost of the raw material is now 40% more than before. Xunyu Chemical has to adjust the price. Notes for existing customers…